Hil sybesma Holland Michigan church goer – training–announcing the appointment of Clint Peterson as the new company president.

thermotron manager thomas w bannach- ronald lampton— the the NEW guy



yes at thermotron


the average embezzlement rate


under thomas bannach was about 10,000 to 15,000 per year–


becasue you didn’t really have to go on the job– you just had to fill in paper work that made it look like it—


yes as Dean tripp, and Gregory V Johnson — just drive to the office– tell every one you are heading out– and then drive home — and have a BEER


Because as thomas Bannach said– everyone is the manager— spsecial training with Fred Plont–!!


Thermotron — Half Wits– management training GED required–Pathological Liars n THERMOTRON





Pathological Liars n THERMOTRON former EMPLOYEE’S

So you think you might be working with a pathological liar?

No, you’re not.

He’s just a big jerk. Who goes to a special church.

A thief, a whore, and a liar Guess who’s fake?

The popular stereotype of a THERMOTRON pathological liar–

1..a chronic liar, deceiver,

2…who lies to get out of things, or into things;

3..who tries to con you into something, or control you;

4..who cheats on you and then denies it,

5..makes up stories about where he was– all this is wrong.

It’s malingering, but it isn’t pathological lying.

He’s a tool, but he’s not psychiatric.

Webster’s Medical Dictionary defines a “pathological liar” as

“an individual who habitually tells lies so exaggerated or bizarre that they are suggestive of mental disorder.”

Next to this definition should be this picture –

a photo of a self-important, smarmy looking,

all-too-coiffed manager or “reporter” named Thermotron “Human resources”.

You may have noticed that a guy called Stossel is out hawking a book called

“Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity”

purporting to debunk those things.

Instead, what we see is that Stossel is spewing them –

and using his media platform as a megaphone of dishonesty.

(like any good thermotron manager)

Stossel, in many ways, is exactly why someone wrote
a new book Hostile Takeover

to strip bare the opportunists,

shills and half-wits who dominate our political debate

and show them for what they really are: pathological liars

MR BURNS – Great Moments at thermotron — a great place to work at

MR BURNS – Great Moments at thermotron — a great place to work at



 you can be a thermotron liar– it’s easy


you can Bbb somebody

thermotron west coast / liars/ embezzlers/ sales man

 get training with Mark lamers–

 remember the lies you live——————— are the lies you believe

Bill April 29,9:49 am

Great post!

I have a Vice President who tells us a daily lie in order to prove a point. For the love of God I cannot understand why! Now he is on a “Leadership” kick and he wants us to be better leaders for our salesmen.

How can someone lead when his leader is misleading him everyday he walks into the office?

Better yet, our CEO eats up his lies continues to back him in every situation when the entire time we are having a massive retention issue and he cannot figure out why.

Honesty is always the best policy, but how do you deal w

– thermotron training with Hi, I’m Chucky. Wanna Play?

ok sure

thermotron management training– thomas bannach and Gregory v Johnson bragged that

it is NORMAL  to lie cheat steal defraud miss lead the customer and co workers– libel and slander them behind their back and — do anything

because at thermotron we train psycopath’s — special insite with Bill arvo– the test “EXPERT”

you can be a thermotron liar– it’s easy – Mr Burns Laughing, ask tamera kennedy – how to start


 you can be a thermotron liar– it’s easy


you can Bbb somebody

thermotron west coast / liars/ embezzlers/ sales man

 get training with Mark lamers–


or special insite with mitch kerr — all temp engineering




 remember the lies you live——————— are the lies you believe

Bill April 29,9:49 am

Great post!

I have a Vice President who tells us a daily lie in order to prove a point. For the love of God I cannot understand why! Now he is on a “Leadership” kick and he wants us to be better leaders for our salesmen.

How can someone lead when his leader is misleading him everyday he walks into the office?

Better yet, our CEO eats up his lies continues to back him in every situation when the entire time we are having a massive retention issue and he cannot figure out why.

Honesty is always the best policy, but how do you deal w

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